The Fallacy of Social Justice…

…and it’s blind adherents: “Social Justice” is essentially Jihad for “Progressive” warriors, and Political Correctness is the Sharia Law they wish to impose on everybody. They act open-minded but are so far from it that it’s like a self-illuminated Möbius loop infinitely turning in a collapsing neutrino – the gravity is so immensely dense no light can escape, just as no light can be shed upon the blankness and emptiness of their still-born thoughts. Walkers in self-imposed condition white.

Caves of Steel

Apropos nothing much on a thick and bleak gray day in the cold cloud-bank, but surfing some blogs including Tam’s link to Roberta’s reference to PKD’s The Man in the High Castle, which I am not certain but but certainly must have read back when I read every SciFi book in the Library especially Phil’s – and cruising the blogs hit upon Vox Popoli (who I am surprised I have not blogrolled but only bookmarked) and a critique of cartoon-blogger XKCD, ran into a good comment response by Malcolm the Cynic who in turn reminded me of an old Asimov book named in this post – one that I had read so long ago that I have forgotten the story and maybe could now re-read, and that reminded me of this…:

Where is the NYT headline: Ferguson Looted and Burned, Women and Children hit Hardest!   ??

I’m trying to have some sympathy for the on-going events of disaster in the small Midwestern town, but it’s all coming out on one end of the spectrum – the Anti-Media End. Of course black lives matter – all God’s children matter, but the relentless pressure by The Media to repeat a lie, and to castigate a whole pale skin-color group as entirely responsible without sharing any of the blame elsewhere is maddening, so much that the word “racism” has ceased to have any meaning whatsoever anymore.
Of course “Black Lives Matter” – so show me that with REAL Media-Outrage expressed over the countless numbers of young Black men almost casually killing other Black men from coast-to-coast – from DC, Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, and LA. Condemn Thuglife for once, instead of pandering to it.
Show me how much “Black Lives Matter” with real Media-Outrage covering the destruction of Black-owned businesses and property in the cities suffering from the Thug rioters and outside agitators’ actions.
Show me just how MUCH “Black Lives Matter” by giving Media-Coverage and whipped-up Outrage to the effects of Obama’s llegal-Alien Amnesty that will bring millions of low-skilled laborers into the country who will further displace Black job-opportunities that are already severely depressed due to Obama’s low-wage Crony-Capital Economy.
Let us see that “Black Lives Matter” when The Media is expressing Outrage for the lack of educational opportunities brought-about by Unionized Education. and the low-standards of teaching Black-kids in Democrat enclaves from from coast-to-coast: DC, Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, and Los Angeles, etc.
“Black Lives Matter” and will matter MORE when Selective Media Outrage is pointed at the root-causes of many Black Problems including the wholesale destruction of Middle Class black family-life, and the dependency and fatherless-ness brought about by Democrat’s “Great Society” welfare programs of the 60’s – well evident from coast-to-coast in cities across America.
Show HOW MUCH “Black Lives Matter” when Media Outrage is directed towards the Academic-Left and discredited Communist brain-dead agitators who mainly seek to benefit from the wanton destruction of these cities, and black lives themselves. Condemn them before condemning me for the accidental color of my skin.

Gloomy Sunday

Here’s hoping we get some sunlight on the first of December! Otherwise not much to say. Fiddling with the Mossberg has been fun, but I still need a light or light-mount and some Training. The practice shells are a handful, the gun is long and get’s heavy out at the end…

The treachery of the Media as displayed in their eager coverage of the Ferguson riots and the ongoing blatant misrepresentation of Thug Brown as a youthful Choir Boy is really depressing, especially with the constant shift to blaming “Race” instead of blaming the awful destruction wrought by 50-years of the so-called Great Society. The Media really must let go of their shameful past and false idols and come to grips with their own inadequacy, fears, and responsibility. But that would be asking a scorpion to be something other than a scorpion.

Someone once said, “We are under a Media coup d’etat,” and to that here’s some examples:

ABC News President Ben Sherwood’s sister, Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, is the Special Assistant to Barack Obama.

CBS News President David Rhodes’ brother Ben is Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication.

NBC News senior political editor Mark Murray is married to former CNN reporter Sasha Johnson is an Obama’s former DOT Public Affairs Director, and is now chief of staff at the FAA.

CNN deputy bureau chief Virginia Moseley’s husband, Tom Nides, is the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources.

And also ABC’s Senior National Correspondent Claire Shipman is married to President Obama’s former press secretary Jay Carney…

But the good news is we have them surrounded:


Fast & Furious Gun-running #IXI

Obama’s Gun-Running Czar Eric Holder was unavailable for comment, or to plead for 5th Amendment protection, while fawning millionaire hypocrite Kerry signs UN arms treaty – which senators threaten to block.
I wonder how many of the 43 dead Mexican Student-Teachers killed by the Guerreros Unidos cartel were killed by BATFE “Fast & Furious” smuggled guns.

Drug gang members have described a horrific effort to make 43 teachers college students disappear, piling their bodies like cord wood on a pyre that burned for 15 hours and then wading into the ashes to pulverize, bag and dispose of remaining teeth and bones.
…They were driven to killing grounds in a dump truck so tightly packed about 15 of the young men suffocated to death. The others were then slain, apparently shot to death, and all were put on the fire, which was fueled by gasoline, diesel, wood, plastic and old tires.

The fact that the Mexican Police were implicit in handover of students to the Cartel gunmen under orders of Iguala Mayor José Luís Abarca is a further travesty of justice – and a perfect example of a Police State where only the Police are allowed guns, using thug-proxies to do its dirty-dirty enforcement work.

Berlin Gone Away

I already posted about my misadventures across The Wall here, and here, it was one of the critical things I had to get off my chest as I began blogging and critiquing the utterly abject and constant failures of Socialism/Communism/Fascism. If there’s one aspect of that nasty nexus of bad-brain stupidity and irredeemably toxic philosophy, besides being two sides of the same lousy coin, it’s the repetition of Failure built upon Failure.
I’m glad it fell. Free Health Insurance? HA! They were laboratory guinea pigs: Look what ruined lives their Olympic “Athletes” led. The Left unhesitatingly uses people as lab-animals to achieve a thin veneer of credibility, and the Socialist Medal Machine was no slouch. Bastards.
I’m glad it’s gone. Besides twisting and ruining the bodies of its own athletic corps, it twisted and distorted the landscape around it. Like a heavy-gravity neutrino spitting-out cancerous lesions, it altered and crushed the relationships of people both within the Sphere of Influence and without, and laid waste to the countryside planted with mines and machine-guns. My German friends who were free on the outside were still tethered by a chain of Family to a hideous, barnacle-encrusted, red floating-mine that always seemed ready to explode. Their freedoms were warped and exaggerated in dimension to the un-freedoms of the hapless residents within – and oftentimes I thought it played a part in the reckless wanton hedonism I saw exhibited among my peers. The two Polish kids who were favored Diplomats’ Apparatchik children in India behaved in the most bizarre social manner too, nearly always drunk and aggressively selfish, they chain-smoked and gambled at the racetrack as if they could lose everything at any moment – and I suppose they could. They also stole things, and then had the gall to brag about it, so after a visit you could reasonably expect that sometime was missing. A wristwatch, a pack of smokes, a lighter, a fork. Something-anything. Another hidden aspect of jealousy-driven Communism: no real satisfaction in things whatsoever, just temporary trophies and sad triumphalism – all was ennui.

Pathways to Artificial Memory #2

Thinking back, the misuse and misdirection of some Education efforts really didn’t have to descend to actual lies – especially about Mathematics. It was more easily done with a Skinner-Box of guinea-pigs who were lead to outright confusion and substitution: SMSG. Teach you a “method” that’s patently illogical, incomprehensible, and idiotic – and when it fails to stick in the minds of its young subjects at least a residue of doubt and mistrust is left behind. Then teach a class in the uses of statistics to mislead, and the final solution is inevitable right on up to the ridiculous meme of, “Everybody creates their own reality.”

Wheels of Wonder

Took the F-150 into Folsom Costco for tires and while I was there had an interesting chat with an old emigre-escapee from the Ukraine. He was an orphan who had been held in various children’s camps including a rather famous one in Munich after the Germans and previously the Russkies, took various turns trying to destroy the Ukraine. Somehow he made it to the USA and hooked up with an aunt and Uncle who raised him in the coal-country of Pennsylvania, now is retired to Hangtown. He was not too happy about the current situation there on the edge of Europe, or that in Iraq either, things we agreed upon.
Since The Move I have not re-tuned my AM radio dial or even switched to it – just running the iPod music through the converter and mostly listening to Hawaiian stuff I can practically sing along with the lyrics. But today I did listen to the radio and was filled with an immense sadness at what’s been taking place, so I switched back to straight music. I am rather determined to be happy now rather than perpetually wound-up and angry – that just doesn’t work well for me. We have an Administration that celebrates losing, which is utterly unfathomable but it’s how Progressives do things. The problem with Progressives is they simply don’t care as long as they get the result they want – and they would rather lose just to prove a “point,” or use that as an opinion-basis/data-point just to confirm their worldview.
They don’t care how many died, or how many more will die. The waste and cost in human life is irrelevant to them. *spit* They are happy braking eggs to make a big shit-omelette that they want to serve-up to everyone because it makes themselves feel better. This reminds me of the fall of Vietnam which they celebrated gleefully. I hate them with a deep and abiding FOAD passion.

So anyhow, now I have some sweet Michelin 265-70-17’s at every corner and a reminder to rotate in 10k. The garden is fresh and the County Fair is here this weekend! Didja know young (19 yrs. old) John M. Studebaker made his pile here during the Gold Rush? He didn’t make it in the gold fields digging in the dirt, he made it building wheelbarrows and selling them to miners who DID dig in the dirt. In 1858 he returned to Indiana with $8,000 saved, and joined his brothers who were blacksmiths in the carriage-making trade and a start-up called H.C. Studebaker.

In 1868, the Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing Company was organized, and by 1875, it was the largest wagon builder in the world, with over $1,000,000 in sales.

Read the thing, it’s the classic story of how opportunity that looks like work is often passed-over by the get-rich-quickers, who quickly turn into handout losers – not Wheelbarrow Johnny.
So the County Fair (sadists) run these wheelbarrow races, which are a real test of strength and stamina. It’s like riding an Enduro race only there’s no motor and you’re pushing a malicious device-from-hell over timbers and logs, and up and down, and through chest-deep freezing water – filled with a hundred pounds of sand… Kinda cool. My Electrician Jason’s eldest boy won his division last year. He’s a big strong kid.
Here’s the long version:

And speaking of whiskey, here’s another Johnny:

UPDATE: Just got back from the races. The grade-school kids (mainly 11-yr old boys) only have to carry 10-lbs. of sand – but they still have to scoop it up with the gold-pan into a bag, and many carried 15 or even 20lbs. because its hard to judge weight – but also some always gets lost in the water crossing so it’s better to carry more. One boy in the Junior-high group carried 35-lbs!
The Old-Guy Senior race (55 and up) only has to carry 40lbs, while the studly young men have to carry 50lbs. – and if your bag is light on weigh-in at the end of the race you get DQ’d and your trophy goes to the next guy who carried at least the minimum. Four of them Young Studs were light on weigh in….four DQ’s in a row.
In the tag-team Young-Guy/Gal race only one wheelbarrow qualified to win it – the rest were under 50lbs at the end!
ALL the Seniors including a 70-yr old guy managed to carry the 40lb. minimum to the end. Maybe next year I’ll enter…but Oh-God, the water crossing and 18-inch corduroy log-crossing set on angles, and the 20-foot long 5-foot HIGH log you have to lift-up and run along, and then whoops and two 10-foot hills…it’s a seriously brutal Enduro.