Change in the Weather

I went outside this morning to put a load of trash in the can and was surprised to notice water falling from the sky. What?!? Ok, so it was a bit of overcast, but actual rain?? On and off all day today, so far.

Meanwhile yesterday I got the KTM up the ramp and into the back of the Ford, and “went around the corner” to Performance Cycle for a brake flush and new fluids, plus the transmission oil (Type-F ATF), and some other moto love. This would have been a perfect riding day with the weather like this but it will come again, and without brakes much of the utility of an off-road motorcycle is lost. Besides that I need to find some other decrepit ageing senior riders with whom to spend some trail-time.

Doing the Ton

Towards the end of July is the time where we see the heat not tapering off, sudden wildfires, and nighttime temperatures never getting much below the upper 60’s. It’s been a week of 100’s, and there are thunder-bumpers massed along the spine of the high Sierras, providing “interesting” weather for hikers and campers in the High Country, and easily visible from our upland elevation – and then there’s August, which is often warmer.