Happy Visitor

One of my neighbor’s cows came down the driveway and set-to munching on the front yard foliage. Apparently the automatic gate has the open/shut interval set too long and that allows a curious bovine the advantage of escape. Eventually Mike the Wrangler came by with a bale of alfalfa in the back of his truck and Bossie followed him out, back to the barn.

Narrow Trough

Monday dawned bright as clouds moving in were lit-up by sunrise.


After the trough moved through we got about a quarter inch of rain on Tuesday, and Wednesday dawned considerably cooler by a good twenty-degrees average daily temp…

77.7°F at 7:00AM

It just never cooled-down much overnight, after yesterday’s high of 108.5°F – but all these morning clouds is a bit weird…

The insulated garage is proving every bit of its worth and value, particularly for the health of the doggie, and the new 7-cu/ft garage freezer holds blocks of ice to cool her little pool. And without the roof insulation the freezer would be overloaded and not even function.

Happy New Year – 154.3 % of “Normal”

Starting Thursday night with a couple of inches, the rainfall intensified Friday with three-plus more, until the evening when it really started to come down. Saturday we got over five-and-a-half inches, and at one point my little bridge was nearly submerged. The deluge began to ease-off in the afternoon and evening when we only got a few more inches.

Sunday we were about as relieved as Noah after his forty-day flood, since the drainage did it’s thing overnight!

Others were not so lucky, like my truck-mechanic over the hill to the right, who had six inches of standing water in his business. He gathered a crew of thirty friends, neighbors, and family and spent Sunday and Monday cleaning it out and drying out.