About NotClauswitz

The semi-sprawling adventures of blah-blah-blah...

6 thoughts on “After the rain came the fog…

  1. Looks damp. Velvety? As close as you’ll get to a white Christmas? It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the neighborhood of fog that thick. RH here is 20%.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was a sudden onslaught of cloud that descended upon us, like a scene out of a movie, and ten minutes late lifted. If I had not taken the pics just when it was happening, and played with the dog instead, I would have missed it…
      Merry Christmas!!


    • Yes it’s been cool, but not too bad, feets of snow up in the Sierra rolls the cold downhill – but that was like a whole cloud descended upon us, and ten minutes later it lifted… But it was cool, like a scene out of a movie.


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