Counting Ballots

They already bought the votes, and paid good-money for ’em, so they weren’t NOT going to count them.  Besides, as a famous(ly corrupt) windbag-person once said, “What Difference Does it Make?”  Sleazebag pol and Anti-Gun attempted gun-runner Leland Yee Receives 10 Percent of the Vote in California…Only the winning Democrat (30.1 percent) and the more popular Republican candidate (29.6 percent) came in ahead.

I remember the 70’s, I was there…

TIME Cover hoaxerInteresting treasure-trove dug-up on the popularity of various early 70’s scare-tactics.  Anybody remember, “The Helstrom Chronicles” – or even Willard…? After all, the Polar Vortex was once a well-known cause of global cooling, now because of “global warming” it’s back in the Media spotlight.  ooga-Booga!!  Back in the mid-70’s there must not have been any (or not much) money (or even Science) in the Academic pursuit of Global Cooling, but the Media Elites got behind it anyhow, just as they always do.

Some interesting takeaways from the conversation and comments:

  • During the 1970s the media promoted global cooling alarmism with dire threats of a new ice age. Extreme weather events were hyped as signs of the coming apocalypse and man-made pollution was blamed as the cause.
  • nuclearcannoli says: March 1, 2013 at 10:25 am The ‘solutions’ always remain the same even though the scare has evolved to the complete opposite claim of what it once was. This is basically a give away that the motivations and goals of these people are political, not scientific. It’s called “…therefore, socialism.” It’s getting too hot, therefore, socialism. It’s getting too cold, therefore, socialism. There are too many people, therefore, socialism. There are too few people, therefore, socialism. Funny, how no matter what the problem is, the solution always seems to be to give a select group of people, with no discernible expertise in any particular subject, more and more of our money and freedom.
  • Here we have a small compilation of global warming and global cooling scares since 1895 reported by the media. These alarms run in cycles, just like the climate.  Fire and Ice Published 2010
The late Dr. Schneider’s demonstrative video seems to have been rabbit-holed and is no longer available, quel surprise?
  • Now here is his 1971 paper predicting another ice age. Description/Abstract Rasool, S.I., and S.H. Schneider, 1971:

Atmospheric carbon dioxide and aerosols: Effects of large increases on global climate.

Effects on the global temperature of large increases in carbon dioxide and aerosol densities in the atmosphere of Earth have been computed. It is found that, although the addition of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does increase the surface temperature, the rate of temperature increase diminishes with increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. For aerosols, however, the net effect of increase in density is to reduce the surface temperature of Earth. Because of the exponential dependence of the backscattering, the rate of temperature decrease is augmented with increasing aerosol content. An increase by only a factor of 4 in global aerosol background concentration may be sufficient to reduce the surface temperature by as much as 3.5°K. If sustained over a period of several years, such a temperature decrease over the whole globe is believed to be sufficient to trigger an ice age. Climate Change

  • And years later Dr. James Hansen is predicting a runaway Venus style Earth. By the way they used a program written by Dr. James Hansen. Here it is in Hansen’s own words. “……What was that program? It was a ‘Mie scattering’ code I had written to calculate light scattering by spherical particles. Indeed, it was useful for Venus studies, as it helped determine the size and refractive index of the particles in the clouds that veil the surface of Venus. I was glad to let Rasool and Schneider use that program to calculate scattering by aerosols…..”

  • As Jack Maloney says: March 1, 2013 at 12:01 pm Dr. Reitze’s current CV from the University of Utah lists “climate change policy” as an “area of expertise,” and he has published numerous articles on climate change, greenhouse gases, carbon sequestration, etc. The climate alarms may change, hotter or colder, but the “experts” remain the same. 😦

Lotsa fun stuff for the slasher-movie crowd who also gave us the faux “snuff-film” scare and Satanists at childe-care centers.  When will they ever apologize?  Nothing to see just move-on… No small wonder how that group got its name.

NOooo!! CA Gerrymander Proposition 27 – Lies, Fakery, and Falsity

From Ballot☆Pedia

At first I was enamored by the surface of this protest, to see the reflection of my own handsome face in the mirror-pond, wearing my old Youth Brigade beret and flowing hair – and feel the immense rippling power of my collective awesomeness.

Then the waters actually did ripple and with consciousness I saw my balding Earthworm Jim visage, the thin gray chest hair, and my delusion of grandiosity died.

If there was ever a DoubleTalk-DoubleSpeak award this might get it.
If the googly-eyed pinchy botox-faced Nancy Pelosi, the sad-clown Communist Barbara Lee, and psychotically deranged Lynn Woolsey gave money to it, it must be self-serving.

If scumbucket George Soros is for it, beyond simply being bad it is very likely to be evil.

The Incumbents and Political Master-Class want their power back and the will pay millions in their effort to return control to themselves. They want to eliminate the little people who are on the Commission and return it to the untrustworthy, lying fat-cats of Incumbistan.  For the greedy stupid Pasha’s to get their power back they preform Jihad on the electorate and Taqiyya. The lying.

Donor Amount
Haim Saban $2,000,000
AFSCME $1,250,000
Working 4 Working Americans $500,000
Democratic State Central Committee of California $250,000
Judy Chu TruPAC $125,000
Charles Calderon for State Assembly Committee $100,000
George Soros $100,000
Peter Angelos $100,000
Louise Gund $100,000
Edith Wasserman $100,000
Zenith Insurance $100,000

Note: “Working 4 Working Americans” is described by Capitol Weekly as “a Washington, D.C.-based, labor-backed group.”

17 Democratic congressmen either gave money directly to the campaign or whose campaign committees gave money:

Mike Honda, shame on you!
And it’s entirely partisan, no members of the Republican Party have made any move to support this bayotch, while members of the Democratic Party are bankrolling it either personally through their state senate or state assembly campaign committee, or through a ballot measure campaign committee set up with their name on it:

Politician Office held Party Amount
Charles Calderon State Assembly, District 58 Democrat $100,000
Mike Eng State Assembly, District 49 Democrat $100,000
Bob Blumenfield State Assembly, District 40 Democrat $85,000
John Perez State Assembly, District 46 Democrat $49,000
Alex Padilla State Senate, District 20 Democrat $34,000
Felipe Fuentes State Assembly, District 39 Democrat $30,000
Nancy Skinner State Assembly, District 14 Democrat $30,000
Karen Bass State Assembly, District 47 Democrat $20,000

Bastards! No to 27 – this stuff is the ugly sausage-factory of politics.

IPSC Sock Puppets Profiteers

From .:DANEgerus we get a listing of the Global Hoaxing “hedge”-fund profiteers. Interstingly enough (or not surprisingly, or sadly enough) Governments that have signed-on to the IPCC Kyoto scam have opened the floodgates to various tidy Lefty investment strategies and profits to be reaped (or is that raped), from taxpayers who are left with no recourse and very likely future criminal penalties for individual noncompliance.
Don’t be too surprised, some of the richest people in the world are Communists and they didn’t get that way by the sweat of their OWN brow…

* Richard Tipper of the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Management (ECCM), a consulting company deriving revenue from carbon-absorption forestry projects. According to Ecotopia, “ECCM works closely with Future Forests… Tipper helped form ECCM some months after being appointed to the LULUCF panel.”

* Mark Trexler, a founder of Trexler & Associates, a pioneering firm “poised to make millions of dollars by promoting and monitoring carbon sequestration and other ‘climate mitigation’ projects.”

* Pedro Moura-Costa, an executive of Ecosecurities Ltd., a consulting firm specializing in the “generation of Emission Reduction Credits” from carbon-offseting activities. Ecosecurities has offices in the US, the UK, Brazil, Australia and The Netherlands.

* Gareth Philips of SGS Forestry, a division of the Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS) of Geneva, the world’s largest inspection, auditing and testing company. SGS Forestry derives revenue from its carbon forestry projects. SGS certifies Costa Rica’s carbon offsets and “hopes to expand its work.”

* Sandra Brown of Winrock International, an Arkansas-based organization which accepts contracts from “public and private” sources. Winrock “provides forest carbon monitoring technical services to U.S. government agencies and a wide range of private sector and non-governmental organizations. “

* Peter Hill of Monsanto Corporation, which has a “large stake in genetically modified organisms, including, potentially, organisms modified to take up or store carbon more efficiently.”…

The World Rainforest Movement investigated these bizarre financial ties and concluded that the IPCC report “must now be shelved due to their clear conflict of interest and a new report instigated which will be free of the taint of intellectual corruption.”


In April 2007 an investigation by the Financial Times of the carbon offsets industry reported:

* Widespread instances of people and organizations buying worthless credits that do not yield any reductions in carbon emissions.

* Industrial companies profiting from doing very little – or from gaining carbon credits on the basis of efficiency gains from which they have already benefited substantially.

* Brokers providing services of questionable or no value.

* A shortage of verification, making it difficult for buyers to assess the true value of carbon credits.

* Companies and individuals being charged over the odds for the private purchase of European Union carbon permits that have plummeted in value because they do not result in emissions cuts.

Algore’s gettin’ rich, a bunch of UN-connected dudes are scamming for all they’re worth (as per-usual) and gettin’ rich, and the UN club-for-dictators announces even scarier booga-booga! NEWS, to drive more sheep into the shearing pen.

As Phil Valentine at the Tennessean notes:

..Global warming is the perfect template for Marxism because it’s the great equalizer. The wealthier a nation, the more CO2 it produces. To atone for its sins, it must pay carbon offsets. In other words, the producing nations pay the non-producing or under-producing nations in cash for the sin of emitting a harmless gas. It’s beautiful.

The global warming movement is a way to not just confiscate money and wealth from the producers, but because of their guilt, they gladly hand it over. If Karl Marx were still alive, he’d be beaming with pride.

JBL Craptastic

This thing is an expensive, unreliable POS only good for charging-up the other POS, the freeze-prone Steve Jobs personal enrichment device.

This is the bi-weekly state of screen-affairs requiring a full manual reset since its ability to automatically fetch time from the airwaves is sporadic, intermittent, and unreliable also.
The noise that can be produced by the hoop is resplendent, but its control is not – you cannot set the alarm to begin functioning within a range – it starts out loud and progressively gets louder, and LOUDER, AND LOUDER AND LOUDER until the Neighbors are also awakened. It’s more of a Dorm-Room kind of thing, appropriate for loud, affluent children.
So we don’t use it for that anymore at all. It’s just a, iPod charger now, set to beep when morning comes. At leas that is manageable, since frequently attempting to awaken to iPod music it neglected to begin with the chosen selection and instead played randomly from the iPod itself.

Also the display is so bright that even at the lowest setting you cannot go to sleep next to it unless it’s covered by a cloth – and so it is.

A Mighty Vote from Little Acorn Grows.

H/T The Superduperpunditilous, from JOHN FUND at the WSJ:

…on Thursday local prosecutors indicted seven workers for Acorn, a union-backed activist group that last year registered more than 540,000 low-income and minority voters nationwide and deployed more than 4,000 get-out-the-vote workers. The Acorn defendants stand accused of submitting phony forms in what Secretary of State Sam Reed says is the “worst case of voter-registration fraud in the history” of the state.
The list of “voters” registered in Washington state included former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, New York Times columnists Frank Rich and Tom Friedman, actress Katie Holmes and nonexistent people with nonsensical names such as Stormi Bays and Fruto Boy. The addresses used for the fake names were local homeless shelters. Given that the state doesn’t require the showing of any identification before voting, it is entirely possible people could have illegally voted using those names…. (my emphasis)

Huh — “entirely possible people could have??” Wouldn’t “HIGHLY Likely they did” – be a better and even more reasonable choice of words?

“Of the 1,805 names submitted by Acorn, only nine have been confirmed as valid, and another 34 are still being investigated. The rest–over 97%–were fake.”

Last year several Acorn employees told me that the Acorn scandals that have cropped up around the country are no accident.
“There’s no quality control on purpose, no checks and balances,” says Nate Toler, who was head of an Acorn campaign against Wal-Mart in California until late last year, when Acorn fired him for speaking to me.

Activism and fraud joined at the hip, driven by an agenda – this is in-your-face Socialism at work.