Leap Year Day

After a week of sunny days and mostly t-shirt weather we’re back to this:

Chilly and cool at 47.7°F. A storm is slowly making its way down from Alaska, with snowfall forecast as low as 2,000 feet tonight…

Happy Visitor

One of my neighbor’s cows came down the driveway and set-to munching on the front yard foliage. Apparently the automatic gate has the open/shut interval set too long and that allows a curious bovine the advantage of escape. Eventually Mike the Wrangler came by with a bale of alfalfa in the back of his truck and Bossie followed him out, back to the barn.

Narrow Trough

Monday dawned bright as clouds moving in were lit-up by sunrise.


After the trough moved through we got about a quarter inch of rain on Tuesday, and Wednesday dawned considerably cooler by a good twenty-degrees average daily temp…