Change in the Weather

It’s been a hot-as-usual Summer, but a little tropical disturbance down in SoCal is sending ripples north.

0.01” rain

We got some wind and “damp,” just enough to freak-out the doggie who insisted on sharing the bed briefly – until she decided to go out and look for adventure around 1:40AM.

About NotClauswitz

The semi-sprawling adventures of blah-blah-blah...

10 thoughts on “Change in the Weather

  1. Thoughts on blogging.

    1) NotClauswitz mostly blogs once a month or so about the weather.

    2) Heresolong hasn’t blogged at all since like April even though he’s picked up multiple sewing machines and at least one waffle iron.

    Odd. Makes one wonder if blogging is something that just gets boring and feels pointless after a while unless you have books to sell or something.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 1) And mostly with the same view/picture…unless some grilling might be involved.

      2) NotClauswitz forgot his own damn Blogversary, remembered it, then said the heck with commemorating it.

      We donated my Grandma’s old steel Singer portable in the Springtime, and don’t have any waffle irons – still avoiding carbs mostly.

      3) There’s a much smaller circle of bloggers who might be impressed with my antics, and I forgot how to log-in to the Google vehicle to post comments on other blogs that I once followed, so it’s one-sided and unfair. Never made a cent off blogging, just a lot of time…but now that I qualify for Medicare, maybe I’m just marking time?

      Got the Fat Boy rolling, but spend more time with dog and other chores – she gets anxious when I’m gone.


  2. I’m ready for rain and excitement. Reason I left CA because I got tired of getting up periodically and looking at “rain” clouds and praying (as a confirmed agnostic) for rain and never getting it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. At least you won’t have as much adventure as the folks further South. I’m hoping this extra wind will blow the heat dome away, though whether that’s realistic, I don’t know. At least I don’t live on the TX gulf coast. Forecast is for temps going down after Tuesday, and I’m ready for that – but that’s been true since early July.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The weather reporting says we might get a tenth of an inch, based on “convective activity” as a “upper level low” moves north…but certainly not as much excitement as down South!


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