About NotClauswitz

The semi-sprawling adventures of blah-blah-blah...

4 thoughts on “69.4°F at 5:50AM

  1. You know, if you set up a live stream camera on that back deck you could have 24 hour coverage and not have to deal with all the work that goes into taking a picture, uploading it, typing temperature and weather reports, etc. 😁

    That being said, we hit 74ºF yesterday (I know, but it’s warm for the Pacific NW) so a bunch of us went out for drinks last night on the bikes. It sure was nice to ride around in a t-shirt until about 2200 (10 pm for your non-military readers)

    <Woah! My screen just changed to a very bright blue white background. That was weird. No idea what just happened.>

    Anyway, to continue, put on a sweatshirt for the final ride home about 2300. The only downside to all the fun was that I have a bit of a headache when I woke up this morning. I don’t drink a lot, usually a couple glasses of wine in the evenings and a mixed drink on the weekends, so several whiskey sours, even spread over five hours, gave me a certain amount of hangover. Not sure that the bartender at the third place didn’t pour our drinks with a heavy hand and cheap sweet and sour mix which may have contributed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Live stream, what’s that? I don’t know anything about recent technology and only have a non-internet flip phone that I treat as if it was a land-line, which is to say the noise is turned off and I check it once a day.
      74ºF is nice!! We may hit a high of just 85 today, as the high-pressure zone battles the onshore flow coming up the Delta.
      Beware of cheap mixers, that’ll really get you. We prefer fresh squeezed lime or lemon juice, and neat tequila or rye whiskey – on ice, bedtime is 9:00pm – there’s really no nightlife here at our age…


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